Library of Things

Library Hour Change

After analyzing the hourly traffic of the library and with staff recommendation, the Board of Trustees has approved a pilot program to explore changing the hours of the library. The pilot program will start on December 2nd and will end on March 31st.

The hours during this pilot program will be:

Monday through Thursday, 9 AM to 7 PM

Friday and Saturday, 10 AM to 5 PM

Please provide any input on this change of hours on this survey. The survey can be found here. We value your input in our decision making process!

Library of Things

The Library of Things is a collection of kits of items that facilitate a variety of educational, recreational, and practical activities. Most kits contain books and other materials that provide instruction and guidance on the activity each kit supports. Library of Things kits are available to resident and non-resident Benbrook Public Library cardholders ages 18 and up and may be borrowed for a three week checkout period. Kits are limited to one per borrower. 

If you're ready to get your hands on one of our amazing kits, click here.

Library of Things

PlayStation 4 Kit

The PlayStation 4 Kit contains everything you need to enjoy gaming on the PlayStation 4. It is loaded with PlayStation Plus Premium, which enables access to over 400 games. Online access is included (Internet connection required). No physical game cartridges are included.

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Switch Kit

The Nintendo Switch Kit contains everything you need to enjoy gaming on the Nintendo Switch. It is loaded with four games (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and Overcooked: All You Can Eat Edition) and access to Nintendo's NES, SNES, Nintendo 64, and Sega game collections. Online access is included (Internet connection required). No physical game cartridges are included.

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Xbox One X Kit

The Xbox One X Kit contains everything you need to enjoy gaming on the Xbox One X. It is loaded with Ultimate Game Pass, which enables access to over 100 games. Online access via Xbox Live Gold is included (Internet connection required). No physical game cartridges are included.

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