Circulating Technology

Library Hour Change

After analyzing the hourly traffic of the library and with staff recommendation, the Board of Trustees has approved a pilot program to explore changing the hours of the library. The pilot program will start on December 2nd and will end on March 31st.

The hours during this pilot program will be:

Monday through Thursday, 9 AM to 7 PM

Friday and Saturday, 10 AM to 5 PM

Please provide any input on this change of hours on this survey. The survey can be found here. We value your input in our decision making process!

The library is proud to offer a collection of circulating technological devices. All devices circulate for a period of three weeks. Borrowers of devices must be resident or non-resident Benbrook Public Library cardholders 18 years of age or older. A signed technology agreement will need to be on file before items are checked out, please see our information desk for assistance.

T-Mobile Mobile Hotspot

Wi-Fi hotspots enable the internet to come home with you!  Connect up to 10 devices to one hotspot.  The password will be labeled on the device, so it is just a matter of finding the hotspot with your tablet or phone, typing in the password, and then enjoy your favorite internet activities.  Each device has unlimited data, so no more worries about data usage!

Check out a hotspot!

Chromebook 2-in-1 Laptop

These laptops are available to check out for in library use only. 


Available for in library use only